Penang Food in Cyberjaya

Collection of Penang food, August 2021
Collection of Penang food, August 2021

If you stay in Cyberjaya and would like to have Penang food, there are several options for you to choose from. There are several Penang-themed menu items available at various restaurants in Cyberjaya, such as Pelita and Raihana One Bistro. You can get Nasi Kandar, Mee Goreng Mamak and Roti Canai here.

Penang Food in Cyberjaya, the Online Way

There is an option for you to place your order online to get your dose of Penang food. There is a service to make the food purchase on your behalf at Penang and it will be available for pickup on the same day in Cyberjaya. The service is provided by Nasi Kandaq Runner (NKR – nasik kandaq runner – We bring Penang to you (

The food is made fresh. However, it is strongly recommended to consume it immediately as the food is being driven direct from Penang to your location.

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