Tagged: vaccination

Hospital Cyberjaya (2020) 0

AstraZeneca Booking System: How Can It Be Better

CYBERJAYA, 26 May 2021: Many Malaysians voiced their frustrations online on AstraZeneca Vaccine system booking on JKJAV’s website, https://www.vaksincovid.gov.my. Complaints about unresponsive site and green-but-full booking slots indicating the company is not competent to...

person holding injection 0

Malaysian National Immunisation Programme Schedule

The Malaysian Government has introduced Malaysian National Immunisation Programme Schedule since a couple of decades ago. The programme is aimed to reduce the risk of Malaysians getting diseases largely preventable by vaccines. The diseases...

Cyberjaya City View, December 2016 0

MPSepang Eyes A Vaccination Centre in Cyberjaya

CYBERJAYA – 5 JULY 2021: MPSepang is suggesting for another Vaccination Centre (Pusat Pemberian Vaksin (PPV)) is established at Dewan Komuniti Serin, Cyberjaya under Selangor COVID-19 Vaccination Programme to increase the number of vaccines...