LHDN Information for Malaysian Resident Taxpayers

In this article, we are going to share with you LHDN Information for Malaysian Resident Taxpayers.

Where to Look for LHDN Information for Malaysian Resident Taxpayers

For most up to date information direct from source, we recommend you to browse the official LHDN website.

Submit Form BE or Form B?

BE is for taxpayers without business income. On the other hand, B is for taxpayers with business income.

Business income is determined by the presence of any business income from your overall income. If your income is solely through salary, then you will need to proceed with Form B.

Tax Relief

Married with Children: You can choose from 1) 1 parent claim 100%, 2) Both parents claim 50%. However, those with higher income bracket is recommended to claim for the children instead.

Interesting Links

Tax Relief (Year 2021 Assessment): Tax Reliefs | Lembaga Hasil Dalam Negeri Malaysia

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